
Days/Dates In-Class Activities Assignments Due
W, June 20 Introduction to course/Visual Design & Video

Assess sample First Week Videos

Complete Student-Instructor Agreement Form
R, June 21 First Week Video ‘How-to”

Guided Campus Sustainability Tour

Gravel Talk, “The ATL Beltline”
4:00PM-5:15PM, Clough 152

WOVENText (147-150)

Ryan Gravel of Sixpitch will give a talk on the launch and evolution of the Beltline

F, June 22 What is Infrastructure? 
Bill Moore Student Success Center, President’s Suite B
Infrastructure Workshop
M, June 25 First Week Video Workshop

Introduction to Unit 1: Posters

Discussion: What is “sustainability”?
How can we visualize the practices the term denotes?

WOVENText (1-40 & 151-158)

Bring a “draft” of your First Week Video

Caradonna, “Introduction.” Sustainability: A History (1-20)

First Week Video Due uploaded to Canvas by 11:59 PM

T, June 26 Poster Workshop 1

Meet at the GATech Communication Center, Clough 447

Discussion: What comes after sustainability?

WOVENText (Rubric: & Portfolio, 146-7 & Analyzing Design: 125-30)

Draft (8.5”x 11”) of poster

W, June 27

Discussion: What is the ecological thought?

What comes after nature and why?

Clark, “Nature, Post Nature” (75-87)

Morton, “Introduction,” The Ecological Thought (1-14)

WOVENText (1-40 & 151-158)

R, June 28 Poster Workshop 2

Introduction to Unit 2/Group Video

Bring 8.5″ x 11″ print of poster and draft of intro.

Thoreau, “Where I Lived and What I Lived For

M, June 2 Poster Presentation, Session 1

Aware Wildlife Center Presentation

If presenting come with printed poster

July 3 & 4 Independence Day Holiday
R, July 5 Poster Session, 2

Guest Speaker, Snotti St Cyr

If you are presenting, come with printed poster

Poster and Introductions as .pdf due to Canvas by 11:59

M, July 9 Remote Class 1

Explainer Script invention workshop

Collaborative script invention draft

T, July 10 Remote Class II: Film/Clip collection
Meet with your group during 9:30-11:20 class time to shoot video/plan

W, July 11 Part I: Film Editing Workshop with Alison Valk:
Please meet at the Homer Rice Classroom in the Library

Part II: Poster Reflection & Final Portfolio Workshop with Dr. Courtney Hoffman

WOVENText (79-81 & 153-160)

R, July 12 Remote Class III

Group Conferences via Google Docs

Group Conference Schedule
M, July 16 Reflection on Video Project

Introduction to Unit 3/Class Cookbook

Videos Due to Canvas by 11:59 PM

Pollen, Omnivore’s Dilemma (1-32)

Bring a recipe to class/be prepared to find a recipee

T, July 17 CLASS MEETS at Publix Super Market at The Plaza Midtown,
950 West Peachtree Street, Atlanta, GA 30309

Bring your recipe, either hardcopy or accessible on a handheld device

“Stranded in ALT’s Food Deserts”  

W, July 18 Discussion: Locally Sourced Food, sustainability, and equity?

Recipe Revision Exercise

Hooks, “Preface” (1-5) & “Kentucky is My Fate” (6-24)

R, July 19 Discussion: Sustainability to come?

Cookbook Introduction Workshop

Barry, “Think Little” (79-85)

Bring draft of your introduction

M, July 23 Potluck Day (?)

Marah Portfolio Workshop, part 1

Sustainability Cookbook Recipe and Introduction due published to WP site by 11:59 PM


T, July 24 Potluck Day (?)

Marah Portfolio Workshop, part 2

So What’s The Big DEAL?!

Summer Session Reflection Workshop


LLC West Commons (by Wing Zone under Curran Parking Deck)

Interdisciplinary workshop/reflection
W, July 25 No In-Class Meeting
Office Hours, Hall #9, 11:00AM-1:00PM

IGNITE Closing Showcase

4:00PM-6:00PM in the Clough Atrium

Share your projects showcase with all iGniTe track students.

F, July 27 No In-class meeting URL to Mahara Portfolios due posted to Canvas by 11:59 PM