9 July. Remote Class: Script Invention Activity

Remote Classroom Instructions

For full participation points please complete the following:
  • 1. Watch the video lecture below
  • 2. Complete your portion of the invention worksheet in your group Google Doc. Access collaborative Google docs from links below.

Class Plan Video

The video covers the following topics:
  • 1. Overview of Remote Week 
  • 2. Review of Collaborative Explainer Invention Activity

Collaborative Explainer Invention Activity

Group Number Group Member Names
One Callie, Hannah, Marlene, and Ryan Piansky
Two Elhadji, Keanu, Benjamin, and George
Three Malina, Hajime, Peyton, and Gunhyun
Four Aaquila, Xiang, Brianna, and Yue
Five Ryan Enfeild, Ryan Kretzmer, James, Isaiah
Six Brian, Uti, Devarsh and Ibitola