Atlanta Beltline Bus Tour, June 16th, 9:30AM-12:30PM

Join us for a tour of the BeltLine featuring Georgia Tech faculty and community partners. You’ll see first hand how what began in 1999 as a Georgia Tech Master’s thesis has grown and changed. Learn from community storytellers about their experience of the BeltLine, and how it has affected adjacent neighborhoods. Listen to nonprofit leaders from Grove Park Foundation and West Atlanta Watershed Alliance about what they’re working on to ensure the BeltLine improves quality of life for local residents. Meet engineers from Atlanta BeltLine Inc. who will offer a technical perspective on the BeltLine’s development. This is an exciting opportunity to experience the BeltLine ahead of your summer session courses. 

Check-in time:

Tour Departure Location:

Accommodations: “ADA accessible seat please arrive at 9:00am to allow sufficient time to board the bus.” More information on accommodations can be found here.

Trees Walking Tour, July 5

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork loin bacon sausage shoulder doner chicken beef ribs venison andouille drumstick strip steak short ribs filet mignon jowl. Sausage meatball cow pastrami bacon pork chop drumstick. Strip steak turkey beef, tenderloin pig shoulder buffalo short loin chicken doner tongue bacon beef ribs tail meatloaf. Pork belly buffalo sirloin kevin burgdoggen.

Sausage spare ribs beef ribs ball tip short ribs tongue capicola jerky. Pastrami flank t-bone fatback burgdoggen, landjaeger chicken jerky leberkas venison meatloaf pork loin short loin bresaola beef. Brisket ribeye meatball, pig pork loin cupim landjaeger buffalo bacon turkey corned beef jowl spare ribs strip steak pancetta. Andouille beef ribs prosciutto strip steak cupim ball tip pork pig. Frankfurter salami jerky meatloaf chuck turkey ham.