12 July. Video Group Conferences

Please meet on the last page of your Group Google Doc during the time assigned to you below:

Conference times listed below. Remember conferences are remote and will be held using Google Hangouts
Group Number Conference Time Group Members
Group One 9:30-9:45 Callie, Hannah, Marlene, and Ryan Piansky
Group Two 9:50-10:05 Elhadji, Keanu, Benjamin, and George
Group Three 10:10-10:25 Malina, Hajime, Peyton, and Gunhyun
Group Four 10:30-10:45 Aaquila, Xiang, Brianna, and Yue
Group Five 10:50-11:05 Ryan Enfeild, Ryan Kretzmer, James, Isaiah
Group Six 11:10-11:25 Brian, Uti, Devarsh and Ibitola

Film Production Workshop with Alsion Valk, July 11

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